A Splash of Color

A fun and fresh addition to any room is a splash of color! A very easy way to add a splash of color to any space is to incorporate it in something that can easily be changed, like paint or textiles.
Take a look through all of these fun examples of color in different types of rooms...
Notice how all of the examples have fun color but all of the expensive or difficult to change home finishes (seating, flooring, etc) are left neutral ??? meaning once you???ve gotten tired of the yellow, coral, or teal, your room can be easily paired with new color you are craving!
Need a few additional reasons to bring some color into your life? Color adds such great personality to all spaces. You don't have to go bold. The color splash can be as subtle or bold as you want! You can add color, regardless of the style of your home and finishings.
If you want to add color, but you are having a hard time choosing one...try pulling in a hue from something already on display: a picture, area rug, pillow in the room. Or you can choose a color that represents the feeling you are trying to accomplish with the space. If your room is completely devoid of color and you are still stumped...try looking online for pictures of interiors that catch your eye and draw inspiration or hit up your local shopping center ( I personally like Target or Marshalls home selection) to find something that really speaks to you and take it from there! Have fun with it!
Emily Lantz